
Speaker Mike Johnson helped Trump break the law

Speaker Mike Johnson helped Trump break the law
Written by informini

Trump struggled to enter Arlington National Cemetery until House Speaker Mike Johnson intervened to drag Trump into his illegal campaign stunt.

via The Daily Caller.

House Speaker Mike Johnson had to interrupt former President Donald Trump at Arlington National Cemetery to join Gold Star families on the third anniversary of their withdrawal from Afghanistan, one family told the Daily Caller.

“I immediately asked what I could do to help and reached out to Speaker Johnson to see what he could do. Fortunately, Speaker Johnson and his team acted quickly and were able to resolve the situation. But such a thing should never have happened. “Gold Star families have already suffered enough,” he told the Caller.

Trump was assisted by Speaker Johnson disrespecting those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country and breaking the law by using the national cemetery and graves of the dead as a campaign prop. The fact that the Trump campaign fought so hard for this illegal trick suggesting they thought it would give them a lot of national media attention and turn the script on their struggling campaign.

The illegal act caught their attention, but not in the way expected. The response from veterans and families with loved ones buried in Arlington is growing

Trump's election campaign continues to fail, and the former presidential candidate. JD Vance only added to the scandal when he talked about it

One of the main problems with Donald Trump's current campaign is that it's not 2016 anymore. Stunts that used to be thought of as shocking and attention-grabbing don't work. To many, Trump and his actions are not seen as breaking the mold, but as the criminal acts of a convicted felon desperate to get back into power.

Jason Easley
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