
Pelosi calls out New York Times for making news

Pelosi calls out New York Times for making news
Written by informini

Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the New York Times of misrepresenting what she said about President Biden. “I don't know what happened to the New York Times that they are making up stories. But if that's what you're here for, it's not right.”

“Speaker Pelosi, arriving at her office, tells CBS News' Jaala Brown that her comments to Morning Joe were misrepresented,” CBS' Alice Kim shared this quote:

The New York Times ran this headline, stating that Pelosi suggested that Biden “reconsider” the decision to remain in the race and that she is “the highest-ranking member of her party so far to suggest that her status at the top of the list is uncertain.” “.

The California Democrat also gave that statement to the New York Times, which is now in their article.

So let's check this out. on MSNBC Morning JoePelosi was specifically asked what she would tell congressional Democrats about their concerns about Biden. (I'm sharing a lot of context here because it's important.)

Mika: The headlines, the survey, everything is very dark. How do you think the president is doing in light of his poor debate performance? Can he do more? And what about Democrats in Congress and even members of the Senate who are beginning to waver in their support?

PELOS: “Good morning: This is one version of the story. What I want to say is that yesterday it was an honor for me to attend the President's speech for NATO. He was absolutely spectacular. Again and again he was received with applause for what he had to say and the force with which he said it.… So it was a beautifully received, energetic performance by the president.

Politics is politics. People have their interests in terms of own region and the rest, and so we are the Democratic Party, a party that is not, shall we say, lockstep. But this president has been a great president and I can tell you personally, as someone who has orchestrated a lot of pieces of legislation that the president is very proud of, and he should, because he was there at the table, at the head and at the section, very much in possession of the vision, the purpose, the knowledge of the issues, with the values ​​underpinning all of that and again always asking the question, what does this mean for working families in our country?

So any thought that he hasn't been able to accomplish all of that, I can just say that it hasn't happened.”

Then he was asked: “Does he have your support to be the leader of the Democrats?”

PELOS: “It is up to the president to decide whether he will be nominated. We all encourage him to make that decision because time is short. I think that the overwhelming support of the group members. i can't say i'm not the leader of the group anymore but he's a sweetheart. He is respected and people want him to make that decision.”

He was asked: “He made, said that he made a decision. He has definitely said that he is going to run this week. Do you want him to run?'

PELOSI: “I want him to do whatever he decides. And that's the way it is, whatever he decides we're going with. I think that's really important. And I hope that everyone will come together to allow him to deal with this NATO conference. This is a very big deal. 30 leaders of more than 30 states are here. He is its host. And that doesn't just mean hosting it. It means organizing the discussion and setting the agenda. And he does it brilliantly. And I said: “Everyone, come on, let's just hold back what you're thinking or tell someone in private, but you don't have to put it on the table until we see how we go this week.” But I am very proud of the president.”

Could he have given a better, stronger endorsement? Yes! The president has already said he's staying in the race, so it's unclear why he's suggesting he hasn't made a decision yet.

I would have to name this one as someone who has interviewed the former speaker several times, I would take Pelosi's careful handling of words to suggest that something is going on behind the scenes, perhaps some contingency of Congress that needs to be appeased feeling they have a say in things. He notes that people have their own “regions” to consider, for example, and that they are not locked in.

Pelosi is urging people to stop talking publicly and wait until after NATO to see if they still have those concerns. A diplomat who has time and again during his historically successful presidency managed to bring together all the concerns of different factions won't overcome these people's concerns in public, but he powerfully reminds people of Biden's strength in NATO and his legislative successes. , in the implementation of which he played a big role.

One thing that is nowhere in his comments is a call for Biden to “reconsider” his decision to stay in the race. It's just not in his comments. Nowhere: And listening to the whole piece, that's not what I take away from it.

The Times article itself makes an effort to be more fair, even when they suspect that Pelosi no longer supports Biden, but it puts the most negative spin on the paper, and reporters often lose control. their titles.

Is it fair that Pelosi called out the New York Times for making up the news? Democrats are looking sideways at their former attachment to the “Grey Lady” after the paper literally plotted the doctor's visits to the White House without even checking the schedule to see if President Biden was there, including on their front page. filled with trolling anxiety about Biden, while lacking fair coverage of his opponent Donald Trump or Trump's allies' agenda to destroy US democracy as we know it. Instead of retracting their conspiracy when it was established by the facts, they published it in print.

Do Americans want Wordle more than democracy? Perhaps because the New York Times earned more than a billion dollars in digital subscriptions last year.

The bottom line here is that yes, the headline is inaccurate. Pelosi nowhere suggested that Biden “reconsider” his decision.

Given the Times' clear bias on display for all to see, it's fair to call out, while acknowledging that the reporter himself was more balanced in his actual piece than whoever wrote the headline.

As for strongly worded support for the US presidential candidacy, wait until after the NATO summit. One thing you must always remember about Nancy Pelosi is that she is a master negotiator. In the meantime, check out a report on how the media turned the Biden debate into an entire story that doesn't actually support it.

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