
Conservative leaders warn of splitting Trump's coalition over abortion

Conservative leaders warn of splitting Trump's coalition over abortion
Written by informini

As media hysterics over a power grab by several House Democrats try to divide the left, conservative leaders are warning of a coming split in Donald Trump's coalition over his stance on abortion.

“In recent weeks, the behind-the-scenes disagreement over abortion language has become so heated and bitter that some social conservative leaders have publicly warned of a coming split within the Trump coalition,” Washington Post reporters Michael Scherer and Josh. Dawsey said.

Trump advisers, for their part, are angered by public pressure from anti-abortion activists, according to people familiar with the campaign's internal discussions. But Trump's world isn't too worried about that, because they know they have evangelicals in their bag, no matter how he deviates from their position on the matter. “Meanwhile, Trump's allies aren't too worried about the platform skirmish, as evangelicals who are staunchly opposed to abortion have remained among his staunchest supporters, regardless of his evolving positions on the issue.”

Donald Trump has changed his position on abortion because it's politically expedient for him, and he's gambling that he can take evangelicals for granted now that he's overturned Roe, which is a pretty good bet because where else are they going to go?

For this, one danger zone for Trump is to stay at home.

Pew says “63% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 36% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.”

In other words, Trump cannot win the election if he maintains the Republican platform's call for a “change of personality.”

Donald Trump has begun revising a draft of the 2024 Republican platform, which anti-abortion leaders expect will abandon the party's decades-long call to amend the U.S. Constitution to extend personhood protections to the unborn, according to multiple people involved in the discussions. “, the Post explained.

Another way to look at this, other than the obvious “Republicans in a mess” that somehow doesn't get the media coverage that a few Democrats in the other corner get, is that Republicans are running away from the abortion platform they previously ran for. were pulling. decades.

They are on the run because Roe exposed the fundamental flaw in their rationale and argument, which is that if they believe, contrary to science, that abortion is “murder,” then they should make no exceptions for the life of the mother, which is rape. victim or victim of incest.

The problem then becomes that the public is appalled by the brutality of the law forcing a 10-year-old rape victim to bear the child of her rapists. So the Republicans are trying to soften their messages without changing their platform, which has not worked.

Donald Trump is many things, but he is not stupid. He drove evangelicals to the White House in 2016 by using them to support his position on abortion, and now he's done with them and knows he's in their bag no matter how he feels about them. It's Donald Trump. she doesn't respect who brought her to the party because the truth is she never cared about abortion.

He only ever thought about winning power for himself.

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