
About last night…

About last night…
Written by informini

Below is an editorial by Sarah Jones.

If you're someone concerned about the state of democracy during Trump's potential second term, last night probably upset you. Last night, President Joe Biden took the stage to confront the infamous troll, and like all of Trump's opponents, he didn't fare so well.

Biden came into the debate with a cold, so immediately his voice was so low it was hard to hear at times.

He has repeatedly given up his time, allowing Trump to dominate the debate.

Biden struggles with stuttering. His coolness and short answer format were both hurdles he couldn't consistently overcome, though he did well in his responses to Roe, Jan. 6, and the historic impeachment of Donald J. Trump, which was recently booked through the legal system that impeached him. for rape. being a crook, and of course his 34 crimes and counting.

One of President Biden's best moments was when he called Trump a whiner for not admitting his huge loss in 2020. The idea is, if you lose again, you accept everything. You can not bear the loss. Something broke in you when you lost the last time

The president's worst moment was when his stuttering and coldness seemed to take the wind out of his sails, and he who has fought to protect Medicare (the Republican lie that he cut Medicare by billions has been debunked by experts) and has a plan to extend Medicare's solvency forever, mixed in his words, ending with “We finally beat Medicare.”

It's a line you'll hear from conservatives for the next ten years, but that doesn't make it accurate. It's actually disturbing that this line will be used as a cover by people whose policies are aimed at undermining Medicare and Medicaid benefits. Trump's policy advisers make it clear in Project 2025* that Trump would gut Medicaid and raise drug prices for Medicare users if re-elected.

But Biden did some key things that Trump couldn't or wouldn't do. Biden talked about his own policies that have helped Americans, he made a valiant effort to stay honest, and he stood up for democratic principles and norms even as Trump attacked his son, Hunter Biden.

Those things should have been rewarded, but some legacy media had already set the stage to make Joe Biden's age an issue in this election, and thus focus on the fact that Joe Biden's character remained true to being a decent guy who wants to help people. and feeling compelled to stick to the facts (the Democratic agenda as a given), Biden was at a disadvantage.

Biden wasn't at his best, but it's also unfair to expect any candidate to test Gish's notorious liar during the debate; feat even fact-checkers who aren't on stage trying to ever focus on their political thoughts. led throughout Trump's political career.

Why? Because Trump is that problem

Trump spent his time on stage lounging and pouting as a cover for refusing to discuss politics. Politics is what will make a real difference in the lives of voters, and they deserve to hear that from the candidates.

But instead Trump, who boasted that he was responsible for overturning Roe, then shirked responsibility by claiming that everyone can just follow their hearts.

This line should not be overlooked, Trump used the word “heart” at least twice during this debate, an old political strategy to avoid responsibility for actions by invoking a mythical “heart.” Think of it as a murderer (or in this case, a convicted felon) in court saying: “I have a good heart.” It makes no sense, but is meant to dispel and justify harmful actions. It's a get out of jail free card for cheaters.

Bill 2025 also plans to take away women's freedom nationwide by using the Comstock Act to “ban the mailing of drugs used in medical abortions, instruments and equipment used in surgical abortions, and even abortion information.”

So it was remarkable to hear Trump's lie about Roe that “everyone wanted it back to the states…everyone without exception, Democrats, Republicans, liberals, conservatives.” Trump then claimed to believe in exemptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother, telling people to “Follow your heart,” as if in states where abortion is illegal, they can just follow their “heart” if they want to live or die. no. subjected to medical torture.

Perhaps one thing everyone in the media should be able to agree on is that Trump's refusal to accept the results of the last election and his inciting of an attempted insurgency is far more problematic than anything Joe Biden has ever done.

When asked twice if he would accept the election results, Trump began to reveal his most dangerous character traits: a combination of eternal persecution, delusion and shocking immaturity. He could only agree to accept the results if they were fair, legal and good elections.” Oh well, but 2020 was the safest election in modern history and Trump refused to admit it, so he continued to lie about the 2020 election. “But the fakes and everything else were funny.”

So last night…Biden was constrained by reality. Trump was free to lie to the point of blaming Nancy Pelosi and the Capitol Police for 1/6.

This is neither Biden's fault nor CNN's fault.

Haven't we had enough of blaming Trump's victims for his behavior? Trump is not fit for president. The fact that he was on that debate stage at all is the fault of the Republican Party, whose standards are now at the lowest level of Hell next to their supposed “conservative principles.”

President Biden needs to reassure voters that he got it with another state-type presentation, but none of us should lose sight of the fact that Donald Trump turned off swing voters in focus groups last night. The nausea you have at the thought of watching this debate is not yours alone; it is shared by many more Americans than you might imagine.

If we look at last night as a litmus test for which of these people showed us they can handle being president, only one person stands, even given his lackluster performance. That person is Joe Biden. Like many past presidents, Biden had a bad debate. But a bad debate doesn't make a bad president.

On Friday, Biden made the case for himself by admitting that he's not as good a debater as he used to be.

This president has shown us every day in his priorities that he leads this country with the experience that only comes with age and experience.

*Project 2025 is the result of work by Trump advisers, former Trump administration officials, with the Heritage Foundation, supported by more than 100 right-wing groups.

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