
Elizabeth Warren tells America exactly what it means if Trump returns to the White House

Elizabeth Warren tells America exactly what it means if Trump returns to the White House
Written by informini

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) explained what Trump's return to the White House will mean for women and families.

Transcript via ABC This Week.

RADATZ: Tomorrow marks two years since the Dobbs decision. Since that decision, 21 states now ban or restrict abortions earlier in pregnancy than the criteria established by Roe.

Even if Joe Biden is re-elected, will this really change?

WARREN: Yes, that will change.

We need three things. We need access to abortion. We need access to birth control and we need access to IVF.

Republicans blocked all three. They presented their plan to say that they are not going to allow women to have those three and have access to them.

Democrats are all for it. If we have the trifecta, the House, the Senate, and the White House, they will once again make Roe v. Wade the law of the land. And with Joe Biden in office, not Donald Trump, we'll have as many protections for women as possible.

Get this—I want to make this as clear as possible—if Donald Trump is elected president, he and the extremist Republicans are coming after abortion, contraception, and IVF in every state in this country. Not just red states.


Senator Warren was right. The Democrats are all in, and if they have full control of the federal government, they will make Roe the law of the land while protecting contraception and IVF. There is no doubt what the Democrats will do if they win, just as Trump has left no doubt what he will do if he returns to the White House.

Expect Democrats to continue to push this message, not only because it resonates with female voters, but also because it's so important to young voters.

The far right wants to ban abortion, contraception, and IVF, and the more voters get that, the better it will be for Democrats in November.

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