
Trump is set to debate Biden in an attempt to end Bill Maher's career

Trump is set to debate Biden in an attempt to end Bill Maher's career
Written by informini

Instead of preparing for a presidential debate, Trump is spending time attacking Bill Maher and telling the conservative media to ignore the comedian.

Trump posted on Truth Social.

Bill Maher, the wildly overrated “Star” of the ratings-challenged show, with fake, loud, obnoxious laughter that pours out of your set every few seconds, even when nothing funny is said (which is most of the time). suffers from a terminal case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, sometimes referred to as TDS. Republicans need to stop using him as a reference point, his show is dead.

Over the past few years, Bill Maher has followed the path of many old white men who are upset that they can no longer do and say what they want without consequence, finding an audience by appealing to Trump's political party, which is largely made up. to aging white people who are upset that they are losing power in the face of demographic change and see Trump as a hero because until 2024 he could do and say whatever he wanted without accountability or consequences.

Maher transformed himself into MAGA Maher, which is really nothing more than Maher returning to the attitudes and beliefs he had in the 1990s when he hosted Politically Incorrect. If anything, fake Maher was the guy who went left because otherwise Bill Maher always went right.

Apparently even MAGA Maher isn't enough to spare the HBO host from efforts to oust Trump from the kingdom.

Donald Trump has to prepare for a presidential debate in a few days, but he's upset with Bill Maher and is trying to ban the pope's name from the conservative media over some jokes from the conservative media.

Trump is still the emaciated failure he's always been. His attitude has never been that of someone fit to lead the country, but that of a man who tries to start arguments against celebrities in the tabloids.

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