
Tim Scott humiliates himself by lying about Biden and crime

Tim Scott humiliates himself by lying about Biden and crime
Written by informini

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) embarrassingly had his lies about Biden and crime tested on national television.

Full video of Scott's interview.

Transcript via ABC This Week.

SCOTT: You know, John, it's just this. We trust, believe and respect the decision of the Supreme Court. What we need to focus on, John, is the violence we see in this nation. Under Joe Biden, we have seen the biggest increase in violent crime in my lifetime. And so focusing on ways to reduce that crime means getting four more years of Donald Trump. Under Donald Trump, we actually respected law enforcement.

Under Joe Biden, we've seen a movement to defund the police, leaving communities like the one I grew up in devastated and devastated by a violent crime wave we haven't seen in literally five decades.

KARL: In fact, Senator, as I probably know, the latest statistics on violent crime and homicide rates, they actually went down this year. But back to my question about the Supreme Court decision.

Tim Scott's 2 Big Lies

Tim Scott told two big lies on ABC's This Week. The first lie was about crime

According to the FBI's quarterly report on crime statistics, the Quarterly Consolidated Crime Report (Q1), January-March 2024, provides preliminary crime trends for January-March 2024 compared to January-March 2023. A comparison of data from agencies that voluntarily submitted at least two or more regular months of data for January-March 2023 and 2024 shows that reported violent crimes dropped 15.2 percent. Murder decreased by 26.4 percent, rape by 25.7 percent, robbery by 17.8 percent, violent crime by 12.5 percent. Recorded property crimes also decreased by 15.1 percent

The second lie was about defunding the police.

As recently as 13 days ago, House Republicans tried to cut law enforcement funding

Republicans have repeatedly tried to cut law enforcement funding.

As president, Trump's budgets often proposed cutting police funding.

We all know why Tim Scott says things he knows aren't true. Senator Scott wants to be Trump's running mate, but all he seems to be doing is finding new ways to embarrass himself.

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