
Trump is melting down because he failed to rig his own trial

Trump is melting down because he failed to rig his own trial
Written by informini

Trump bordered on incoherent as he spoke angrily outside the courthouse after jury deliberations ended for the day.

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Trump said:

It's a Biden and a witch hunt, it's a weapon. So it looks like there are a lot of witnesses, a lot of people that they could have called that they didn't call now, obviously they didn't because they would have been very bad witnesses for them. But look at the list, because the cheat order. I won't go into specific names, but you have a lot of big players, a lot of big players that would solve their problem or actually beat us. We already have a victory. If we had a fair judge, this case would have been over long ago, but many key witnesses were not called, look at your roster, look at the players and you know who I'm talking about. You can take five or six of them. Why were they not called as witnesses? They didn't call themselves because they would have been on our side.

And it's a shame, and one witness in particular who's suffering now because of what happened because of the evil of these thugs, evil people, what they did to that man, and you know who I'm talking about, and they did. Do not call him as a witness. They did not call anyone as a witness, and they could have called all these people and solved the problem. The other thing is that no one knows what crime is there. No crime. No one knows what the crime is. The DA did not name the crime. I don't know what the crime is. This is the problem. It's a shame. This should be stopped immediately. The judge must put an end to this and preserve his authority.


Trump was talking about Allen Weiselberg, to whom he is paying a $2 million severance package on the condition that he never cooperate with the authorities. Trump essentially captured and killed Allen Weiselberg's story.

Of course Trump wants the man he paid to testify. By paying witnesses, Donald Trump could rig the trial to win.

Trump's modus operandi has been to cheat or lie in order for him to win. Trump couldn't rig the trial, so he's furious and frankly makes no sense because he's finally faced with something he can't buy or control that could hold him accountable.

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