
Rudy Giuliani was charged with voter fraud in Arizona at his birthday party

Rudy Giuliani was charged with voter fraud in Arizona at his birthday party
Written by informini

Rudy Giuliani dared the state of Arizona to track him down and file false election charges, so they did just that at his 80th birthday party.

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This is how it all unfolded.

You might be thinking to yourself, who could be dumb or drunk enough to dare a state attorney general to arrest them, and they post on their birthday and beyond?

That person would be Rudy Giuliani.

Julianne had been avoiding being served for weeks, so when she got the nerve to dare Arizona to serve her, and even pretty much let them know her location, she made it easy.

Rudy Giuliani is already broke. He lost his last steady source of income when he was fired from his radio show because he wouldn't stop promoting election fraud. Every time Giuliani seems to have hit rock bottom, he finds a new low.

All of Giuliani's problems are self-inflicted and stemmed from his decision to associate with and work for Donald Trump. If Giuliani never works for Trump and gets involved in the business of crime, he probably won't end up broke and will likely be convicted.

Rudy Giuliani is a living example of what it's like to hang out with the wreckage of Donald Trump.

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