
Two Trump Investors Come Down for Trump Media Insider Trading

Two Trump Investors Come Down for Trump Media Insider Trading
Written by informini

The stock fraud that is Truth Social has brought down two investors who have been found guilty of insider trading.

CNN reported.

Florida venture capitalist Michael Schwartzman and his brother, Gerald Schwartzman, pleaded guilty Wednesday to participating in an insider trading scheme linked to former President Donald Trump's public social media business.

Each of the brothers pleaded guilty to one count of securities fraud in New York, which federal prosecutors say carries a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

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Everything about Trump's “Truth Social” deal had signs of fraud with various shady players wanting to put their fingers in the pie and take some money for themselves.

Anyone buying stock in Trump Media is likely to lose money. The best thing that could happen to the MAGAs who put their money into Trump Media would be if Trump decided to hold on to his stock and not pull out.

As soon as Trump sells, the bottom will come out of the stock if it doesn't happen sooner because the company is a money pit that produces nothing and won't even tell investors how many users it has. .

The house of cards known as Truth Social is beginning to fall. What matters is how much cash Trump will shell out before it all falls on everyone else.

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