
House Majority Shrinks to 1 Seat as Rep. Mike Gallagher Stabs Republicans

House Majority Shrinks to 1 Seat as Rep. Mike Gallagher Stabs Republicans
Written by informini

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) has announced he will leave the House before his term ends, but under Wisconsin law, his seat will remain vacant until November.

CBS News reports.

Gallagher, who represents Wisconsin's 8th Congressional District, said he will leave Congress on April 19 rather than stay until January to finish his term. His departure means Republicans could only lose one vote if all Democrats hold together.

“I have worked closely with House Republican leadership on this timeline and look forward to Speaker Johnson appointing a new chairman to carry out the important mission of the Chinese Communist Party Select Committee,” he said in a statement.

It's the Republicans' problem that Wisconsin law says that congressional vacancies occurring before the second Tuesday in April qualify to be filled on a faster schedule. After the second Tuesday in April, the seat will remain vacant until the November election.

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House Republicans are now one vote away from losing their majority. If a member becomes ill, absent, or another Republican suddenly resigns, the House GOP will no longer be a majority.

Marjorie Taylor Green's impeachment motion is a big deal for House Republicans, but they could just as easily lose their majority to another disillusioned person who has given up and abandoned ship.

It would be fitting if this group of Republicans lost the majority on Election Day.

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