
NFL QB/Potential RFK Jr. VP Aaron Rogers is a Sandy Hook Truther

NFL QB/Potential RFK Jr.  VP Aaron Rogers is a Sandy Hook Truther
Written by informini

For those who think RFK Jr. might be a viable third-party candidate, consider his potential candidate, NFL QB Aaron Rodgers, a Sandy Hook truther.

CNN reported.

CNN knows of two people with whom Rogers enthusiastically shared these stories, including Pamela Brown, one of the reporters who wrote this article.

Brown was covering the Kentucky Derby for CNN in 2013 when he was introduced to Rodgers, then with the Green Bay Packers, at a post-derby party. Upon hearing that he was a CNN reporter, Rogers immediately began attacking the news media for withholding important stories. Rogers spoke out about the tragic killing of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School, claiming it was actually a government inside job and the media was deliberately ignoring it.

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When Brown questioned him about the evidence that showed this very real shooting was staged, Rogers began to share various theories that have been repeatedly debunked.

The nation already has to go through an election with Donald Trump and his crazy conspiracies. The country really does not need the RFK Jr. and Aaron Rodgers conspiracy ticket further polluting the national electoral pool.

Those who follow the NFL already know that Rodgers is an anti-vaxxer with some beliefs and behaviors. Sandy Hook conspiracies are Alex Jones-level stuff and have no place in a presidential election.

Let's hope this news puts an end to Aaron Rodgers as a potential politician and he keeps his conspiracy theories to himself.

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