
The Trump campaign is trying to hide his cognitive decline

The Trump campaign is trying to hide his cognitive decline
Written by informini

Morning Joe discussed how the Trump campaign knows their candidate is cognitively declining and they are trying to hide it from voters.

Jonathan Lemire said:

During this campaign, he is completely surrounded by enabling forces. And what? And he would be again, if he was in the White House a second time, there would be no guard rails, no adults in the room. Just people will do what he wants to your goal. He is not the same boy. You can watch videos from the 2016 campaign about some of his time in the White House. Last week, we played an excerpt from the 2020 debate between Trump and Biden. And even then, it was amazing how much Trump had changed, how he had aged. In other words, he is seventy years old. He is only a few years younger than President Biden. And we're seeing more and more, even as a media outlet, and we've talked about it before about how the weekend was full of polls and sessions about the age of President Biden.

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It's Trump who is showing signs of age by the day, but also pressure, really pressure, because he's not getting as much of the Republican vote share as he'd like Nikki Haley to even win the weekend because of money. . He now owes nearly half a billion dollars in several cases in New York. And the pressure that his first criminal case, a case that could theoretically land him in jail, starts in just three weeks, and we see it night after night on the rally stage where he just seems to be losing control of his English. Mika shrinks. I can't help it. I start laughing when he does the Venezuelan bite at the end. But this is one thing his team knows, but they just keep going.

Joe Scarborough replied: “They try to keep him as far away from the stage as possible. Obviously they don't want it out there. They don't want him at Truth Social. Again, he only hurts himself politically.”


Trump refused the preliminary debates. He has already announced that he will not participate in the debates with Biden. The former president's only interviews are with friendly media who hold him by the hand and walk him through the interview. There's a reason why most of Trump's national television interviews are on Fox News featuring Maria Bartiromo or Sean Hannity. They are his biggest supporters on the network, as well as Trump's friends.

As voters begin to take notice and the campaign spotlight becomes more intense, Trump will be exposed.

It is not President Biden who should be discussed in terms of cognitive decline.

It's Donald Trump, and his campaign knows it.

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