
We're watching Trump's ultimate implosion

We're watching Trump's ultimate implosion
Written by informini

George Conway said that Trump's old tricks no longer work. Trump knows it, and this is his ultimate blast.

Conway told Jen Psaki on MSNBC.

He reaches his final, you know, his ultimate destination, which is total destruction, reparation. He doesn't, none of his tricks work anymore. We go to them. They don't bother anyone anymore. He loses the elections. He can't, he can't, he should try to invent things about his own vice presidential candidate on another network today. So we make up stories and to win this election and, you know, he, it's not working for him, and he knows it and he knows he's going down, and the more he feels like he's going down, remember to run. , not just for the president, he escapes from prison.

You'll see him acting more and more desperate, and that's what you're seeing. I hate taylor swift because she's just lashing out and you know she's had, her people have lost control of her and the only person who seems to have control over her is the person who tells her or whispering in his ear or doing something. tell her everything is great. You are amazing! And this is Laura Loomer, and this is where this, she, she, this is the final explosion, and we're watching it live, and it's going to get worse.


Trump is slipping in the polling stations. His opponent is a complete disaster every time he appears on television. Trump rallies take twists and turns in one man's nervous breakdown.

If the wheels haven't completely come off this campaign yet, they're about to.

Starting with Kamala Harris entered the race and Trump's momentum evaporated, he failed to act. The debate was a complete disaster for Republicans, and this is the end for Trump.

If this trajectory continues, he will lose the election not just by one or two states, but by an indisputable margin.

By this time next year, Trump could be a former president with both federal and state convictions.

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