
Former Bush AG Alberto Gonzalez powerfully defends Kamala Harris

Former Bush AG Alberto Gonzalez powerfully defends Kamala Harris
Written by informini

Former White House Counsel and Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, a prominent Republican, has endorsed Kamala Harris for president.

Gonzalez wrote in Politico Magazine:

The American presidency is the most powerful position in the world. Of course, our constitution and laws, as well as institutions like Congress and our courts, act as guardrails to that power. The law provides certainty of accountability and fundamental fairness. Yet it is the president's honesty, integrity, and respect for our institutions that can be the most important and reliable check on abuses of power.


As the United States approaches a critical election, I can't sit still as Donald Trump “The most serious threat to the rule of law in a generation” expects a return to the White House. That's why, even though I'm a Republican, I've decided to support Kamala Harris for the president.

The character of the person we elected in November is especially important today because current members of the House and Senate have proven spectacularly unable or unwilling to check abuses of executive power.

Gonzalez was right. Our system of government was created to check abuses of executive power, but that system has been largely impaled and dismantled through Congressional inaction and the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity. Congressional inaction has come from one side of the aisle because Republicans have refused to use their constitutional authority to curb Trump's abuses of power.

Character is the only thing that will now compel respect for the rule of law. Democrats can fix the current situation if they have full control of the federal government in January 2025, but without that, the door is open for Trump to become a lawless president who will destroy democracy.

The character of the candidates is on the ballot, and for Republicans who believe in the rule of law, Kamala Harris is the clear and only choice for president.

the support of Dick and Liz Cheney opened the doors among prominent Republicans. Alberto Gonzalez may be next, but he won't be the last prominent Republican to endorse Harris.

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