
JD Vance is trashing Donald Trump again

JD Vance is trashing Donald Trump again
Written by informini

JD Vance has responded to the Georgia school shooting by calling it a fact of life because he has Secret Service protection and gives outdoor speeches behind bulletproof glass.

Video of Vance commenting on the Georgia school shooting.

This is how JD Vance addresses the public when he's out campaigning.

Vance gave the standard NRA response that sensible gun laws are about taking away everyone's guns. Vance went on to say that school security needs to be increased, another standard NRA talking point. Vance also said he doesn't like to admit it, then called school shootings a fact of life.

The worst vice presidential candidate in modern history made the unseemly mistake of shouting NRA talking points in the wake of a school shooting.

JD Vance and the Republican Party have yet to realize that America has changed and the NRA's talking points are no longer going to fly with the majority of the country.

JD Vance knows that guns are dangerous and that there is always the risk of a mass shooting. If he didn't believe that, he wouldn't need all the Secret Service protection and bulletproof glass.

Senator Vance continues to show why he is the worst vice president in modern history. Vance can single-handedly sink Republican hopes of taking back the White House.

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