
Biden sets an immigration trap for Trump

Biden sets an immigration trap for Trump
Written by informini

Biden's recent actions on immigration have been a trap, and the former president seems to have taken the bait.

Politico reported.

But in announcing a new policy that would provide legal protections to the spouses and children of undocumented US citizens, the president was also trying to draw Donald Trump into a very specific debate.

Advisers on Biden's team are betting that the new policy unveiled by the White House on Tuesday will turn a broader conversation on one of the most controversial chapters of the Trump era: family separation at the southern border.

Biden knew he would be asked about immigration in the upcoming presidential debate, so instead of conceding the issue to Trump or arguing it on the former president's terms, the president is going after the least popular parts of Trump's immigration ideas.

President Biden is set to speak about the importance of keeping families together after Trump tore them apart. Trump wants to deport legal immigrants. Biden wants to secure the border, but also to keep families together and protect American values.

Biden's recent immigration orders are consistent with the idea that the Democratic Party is trying to protect families, while Republicans are weighing radical steps like attacking gay rights and banning IVF.

Trump considers immigrants criminals.

Biden sees their humanity.

Joe Biden has invited Trump to talk about immigration, going places the criminal ex-president doesn't want to discuss, and in the process, he could turn Trump's favorite issue into a Republican weakness.

Jason is the editor-in-chief. She is also the White House Press Center and Congressional Correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a BA in Political Science. Her graduate work focused on public policy, specializing in social reform movements.
Awards and professional membershipsMember of the Society of Professional Journalists and the American Political Science Association

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