
As Biden leads, a confused Trump calls Steve Bannon and hangs up

As Biden leads, a confused Trump calls Steve Bannon and hangs up
Written by informini

As President Biden prepares to meet with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the Oval Office, a flustered Donald Trump calls into Steve Bannon's podcast and then hangs up.

Video of how Trump called Bannon.

When the severely amnesiac Trump isn't calling Steve Bannon and insulting him, he's trying to blame Joe Biden for every crime committed by an immigrant in America on Truth Social;

Another one of Joe Biden's illegal immigrant criminals has just been charged with the rape and murder of ONE innocent American woman. Rachel Morin was on the run in Maryland, as was Laken Riley in Georgia, when she was brutally murdered by an illegal monster wanted for murder in El Salvador and fled to the US because she knew Crooked Joe would let her in. Rachel Morin's 5 young children will grow up without their mother because Crooked Joe refuses to close the border.

Trump probably doesn't remember, but Biden issued an order closing the border two weeks ago.

Joe Biden rules the country and the world as the President of the United States. Donald Trump is sitting at home ranting about illegal immigrants and waiting for Steve Bannon to call him back.

Biden is a serious candidate and a man who does the job required of the presidency. Donald Trump is a convicted felon on the run hoping voters will return him to the White House in November.

Jason is the editor-in-chief. She is also the White House Press Center and Congressional Correspondent for PoliticusUSA. Jason has a BA in Political Science. Her graduate work focused on public policy, specializing in social reform movements.
Awards and professional membershipsMember of the Society of Professional Journalists and the American Political Science Association

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