
Hakeem Jeffries tells Americans to keep the heat on Alito and Thomas

Hakeem Jeffries tells Americans to keep the heat on Alito and Thomas
Written by informini

House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (D-NY) said it was up to the American people and their representatives in Congress to pressure Alito and Thomas to recuse themselves.

Read: Samuel Alito Is The Insurrectionist Threat To Democracy On The Supreme Court

Jeffries told MSNBC's Deadline. The White House.

The American people and their representatives in the United States Congress in both the House and Senate must pressure the Supreme Court to be more transparent as it relates to the reasons why Justice Thomas and Justice Alito did not recuse themselves. it refers to any of these issues related to a violent insurgency, an effort to stop a peaceful transfer of power. The big lie, the criminal cases that are now against the former president. These are reasonable questions that the American people need real answers to, and they are not being presented.

And this is extraordinary, because the judicial branch is the branch that really needs legitimacy and credibility, and the full faith and trust of the American people. Because their decisions are mostly permanent and irrevocable. And that is why, for them to be accepted in line with our country as a nation of legality anchored on the rule of law, there is a trust deficit that must be faced. And we will use every tool available to us, even though we are in the minority, to try to bring forth the truth for the American people.


Jeffries is right. The likelihood that anything will be done without overwhelming public pressure on the conservative Supreme Court majority is nil. The good news is that we have seen that the current majority is very sensitive to public pressure. They understand that their legitimacy depends on society accepting their decisions.

Reform of the Supreme Court must happen because the current situation is a threat to democracy. The majority of the Supreme Court is corrupt and the American people must demand action.

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