
Aerial photo and video show the true scale of Trump's New Jersey rally

Aerial photo and video show the true scale of Trump's New Jersey rally
Written by informini

An aerial photo shows the size of the beach area where Trump held his rally and the size of the crowd before the former president spoke, and it wasn't 80,000 people.

Read about Ivanka Trump's plot to return to the White House DAILY:


Here's the photo, which a New York Post campaign reporter says was taken about an hour before Trump's speech:

According to the Post reporter, the photo was taken about an hour before Trump's speech.

Here's what we know after nearly a decade of Trump rallies. Many Trump fans miss those who spoke before Trump, so relying on photos taken before Trump's speech often underestimates the size of the crowd. That said, 80-100,000 cannot be accommodated in the rally area. It would be physically impossible if people were not laid down and stacked on top of each other.

Here is a video of the crowd pan.

There is also a video of people leaving the rally early.

The crowd at Trump's big New Jersey rally turned on him

Any estimate of the actual size of the crowd would be a guess. Local officials expected tens of thousands of people, and if all the people were included in the venue, they could accommodate 10,000 people, but a crowd of 80,000-100,000 would be physically impossible.

This will come as a surprise to no one, but Donald Trump and his supporters lied about the size of the crowd because the evidence shows that Trump is not a national float but an old man playing the old hits on the beach until attendance dwindles. .

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