
As Trump freezes in court, Biden tears into him in Florida

As Trump freezes in court, Biden tears into him in Florida
Written by informini

President Biden criticized Trump for taking away reproductive freedom as the former president/defendant complained about the cold court.

President Biden said in part during the reproductive freedom campaign in Florida.

Donald Trump is worried that voters are going to hold him accountable for the brutality and chaos he has created. The bad news for Trump, folks, is that we're going to hold him accountable. We are. He should be held accountable. He must be held accountable for states passing extreme laws that jeopardize IVF treatment for women desperate to have a family.

Voters are going to hold Trump accountable for turning women away from the emergency room, like an acquaintance of mine was. Forced to travel hundreds of miles to get basic health care. Forced to go to court to seek help to protect herself and her ability to have children in the future. Folks, voters will hold Trump accountable when extreme politicians and judges tell women to wait until you get sicker and sicker until your life is decided and in danger.

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Now in America today, 2024, women have less rights than their mothers. And their grandmothers had it because of Donald Trump. Look, I don't think we're going to let them get away with it. You? And folks, in a sense, I don't know why he is, we're surprised by Trump.

How many times does he have to prove that we can't be trusted? Trump bragged about how proud he was to get rid of Roe v. Wade because of it. He took credit for it. She said there should be punishment for women exercising their reproductive freedom. His words, not mine. He described Dobbs' decision as a miracle. Maybe it comes from the Bible he's trying to sell.

Who? I almost wanted to buy one just to see what was in it. People, it was not a miracle. It was a political deal to get rid of Roe v. From Wawell

Video of President Biden.

The Biden campaign had previewed this line of attack before the president's speech, and it clearly bothered Trump, who pointed to the fact that Biden had stopped campaigning while sitting in a cold courtroom all day.

Trump could also campaign if he wanted to. The hearing ended for the day at around 2:00 PM ET. The court does not hold a session on Wednesday. There's nothing stopping Trump from getting on his plane and going to campaign in a swing state every day after the trial is over.

Donald Trump only holds campaign events on Saturdays.

Trump doesn't want to campaign because he doesn't have the energy or stamina. Biden is circling Trump and hitting reproductive rights that resonate with voters across the country.

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