
Prosecutors want Trump to face prison for violating the gag order

Prosecutors want Trump to face prison for violating the gag order
Written by informini

Neil Katyal said Manhattan prosecutors don't want to fine Trump as much as they want Judge Merchan to warn him that more warrant violations could mean jail time.

Neil Katyal explained what prosecutors are looking for from Trump's hearing on the violation of the restraining order. I think he obviously did. So they will instead say the gag order is unconstitutional. It is a violation of his First Amendment rights. These seduction orders are placed all the time in such cases and, you know, for the most important reasons. So I think the argument is going nowhere. Prosecutors here just asked for a $1,000 fine for each violation. But what they want is a stern warning to Trump that says if you do it again, you'll go to jail. And that's really, you know, the ball game that I think is more, what's the punishment going to be? Didn't He break Gaga's order?'


Trump is not going to stop, no matter how big the fine. Donald Trump believes that his only way to avoid being convicted in this case is to intimidate and confuse the trial. The way to stop Trump's behavior is to threaten to throw him in jail.

The former president cannot post to Truth Social from Rikers. Trump is terrified of going to jail, so that would probably make him stop trying to overturn the trial.

A big fine will not stop Trump. An angry judge won't stop Trump, but the threat of putting him behind bars sure will.

are bad for Trump and seem to be getting worse.

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