
Biden criticizes Trump over abortion

Biden criticizes Trump over abortion
Written by informini

While Trump is tight-lipped on the abortion issue, President Joe Biden has a clear message for America as he defines the former president.

Biden said in a statement published during his presidential campaign.

Donald Trump made it clear once again today that he is “more than anyone else in America” ​​the man responsible for ending Roe v. Wade. He is responsible “more than anyone else in America” ​​for creating the brutality and chaos that has engulfed America since the Dobbs decision.

Trump once said women should be punished for reproductive health care, and he got his wish. Women are turned away from emergency rooms, forced to go to court to get the medical care they need, and left to travel hundreds of miles for health care. In states like Florida, abortion will likely soon be illegal before many women know they are pregnant. Because of Donald Trump, one in three women in America already live under extreme and dangerous restrictions that put their lives at risk and threaten doctors with persecution for doing their jobs. And it's only going to get worse. For all his nonsense about fertility treatments, Trump doesn't tell you that the MAGA Republicans he controls in Congress have introduced bills that could ban fertility treatments, and that the Speaker of the House, whom he empowered, is one of the nation's strongest pro-abortionists. is ban in the nation. Let there be no illusion. If Donald Trump is elected and MAGA Republicans in Congress put a national abortion ban on the “Decision Desk,” Trump will sign it into law.

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This is what Donald Trump does not understand. When he tore up Roe v. Wade, he took away a fundamental right from American women that the United States Supreme Court had affirmed and reaffirmed for 50 years. As a fundamental right, it didn't matter where you lived. You were issued as an American, not as a resident of any state. Generations of women had come to rely on that right. We are now in an extraordinary situation where women today have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers. Nothing like this has ever happened in America. And it cannot be allowed to stand. I am determined to reinstate Roe v. Wade's federal defense. So it doesn't matter where you live in America. women's fundamental right to choose will again be the law of the land. If you give me and Vice President Harris a Democratic Congress, that's exactly what we'll do.

Trump is just lying. There was no groundswell of support in America to overthrow Roe. In fact, Roe's support in America today is greater than it has ever been. The real truth is that Trump made a political deal in 2016. He promised to appoint a court that would exonerate Roy. And he had to repay that debt. He did so. It was never about public policy or about what was right or what Trump believed. It was always about politics.

Trump admits as much in his statement today. Creating chaos to turn Roy around, he tries to say. Don't punish me for it. I just want to win

Trump is fighting. He's worried that since he was responsible for bringing Roe down, voters will hold him accountable in 2024. Well, I have news from Donald. They will do. America was built on personal liberty and freedom. So there is nothing more un-American than taking away our personal liberties. And that is what Donald Trump has done.

As I have said many times since the Dobbs decision, Donald Trump and all those responsible for overturning Roe have no idea about the power of women in America. But they are going to find out.

Biden knows that the issue of reproductive freedom is top of mind and will be on the minds of millions of voters when they cast their ballots in the fall. America cannot afford to have a presidential candidate who does not have the guts to do what the majority of the country wants. The vast majority of Americans want the government to stop dictating to women what kind of health care they can have.

Trump embraces the far-right's stance on abortion while trying to run away from it. Biden was ready to abort Trump, and he's going to let a convicted fraud cheat the majority of the population out of their rights.

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