
Disaster for Fox News as Lara Trump admits Trump lost swing states

Disaster for Fox News as Lara Trump admits Trump lost swing states
Written by informini

Lara Trump said that the Republican Party needs to win back the swing states, which is an admission that Trump has lost.

When asked by Maria Bartiromo on Fox News which states the RNC is targeting, Lara Trump said: “Well, listen, every state is obviously important. But there are key battleground states that I think, as Michael mentioned, that we really need to focus on, Pennsylvania is absolutely one of those states. We also need to focus on states like Arizona, Wisconsin, and Michigan, a state that was a huge win for Donald Trump in 2016. I think we can get Georgia back in our zone. There are many states that Donald Trump also wants to focus on. Next week, you'll see another huge fundraiser out of that state, as well as by President Trump. And so listen, all the battleground states were very focused on their 19 key areas of the country that we need to win to ensure that Donald Trump becomes the 47th president.”


There was no talk of the RNC helping House and Senate candidates, or state GOP parties in trouble. The talk when Lara Trump was asked about the targeting was about her helping her father-in-law back into the White House.

Donald Trump's standard line is that he won all those swing states in 2020, but they were stolen from him. Trump uses this line at every campaign event, so for Lara Trump to suggest that the Republican Party needs to win back those states implies that they were lost to Donald Trump in 2020, which is quite a departure from the family line in the 2020 election. when discussing. .

Trump's big fundraiser was a mirage funded by conservative billionaires. Some key data points are unknown, such as how many donors maxed out at this one event and how much money goes to the RNC, Trump's legal, defense and the Trump campaign.

Biden's campaign is shaping up exponentially better than Trump's, and as the nation has learned over the past decade, never take anything that comes out of Trump's world for granted.

Lara Trump's departure from the 2020 election talking points is a disaster for Fox News because they have punctured the false bubble that Donald Trump is still the winner.

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