
Studying makes you smarter – The Famuan

Studying makes you smarter – The Famuan
Written by informini

Photo Courtesy: Jared Melhado

As Florida A&M University students work toward attaining their degrees, it is recommended that they study, keep the brain active and focused on retaining their material.

Even if they are gifted beyond comparison, they should still be setting aside time to study. Studying is the most effective way to retain information and proven to make a huge difference in the retention of information.

As we near the end of the third quarter of the semester, it is expected that the study rooms and labs of Coleman Library will be occupied, but it does not seem that way.

So, are students studying, or are they finding other activities to occupy their time?

Winzie Wilson, a writing tutor in the Writing Resource Center at FAMU, shared her thoughts on studying and tips to do so.

“Studying adds another layer of investment that you put into yourself as you are paying to go through school. Studying provides security,” Wilson said.

“Find what suits you best in terms of studying. Some people are artsy, pull out the highlighters, pens and colored pencils to color code, listen to lo-fi instrumental music, or make Quizlets and flashcards on your phone.”

Coleman Library math lab tutor Charmel Humphrey spoke about her recommendations for students and studying.

“I think students need to study each topic for at least two hours a day. Two hours needs to be dedicated to each class that you are in [and] give yourself a 30-minute break in between each subject. Look into your resources and find what works best for you. Come to tutoring, talk to your teachers, stay after class, office hours,” Humphrey said.

According to Janet Rose from “the tutor team,” “Good study habits can help you manage your time more effectively. By prioritizing your tasks and setting achievable goals, you can make the most of your study time and reduce stress levels. When you have good study habits, you are more confident in your ability to learn and succeed,” Rose said.

Study habits form progression and play a factor in how students perform. If students stay consistent, on top of their academics and pair it with studying, it should surely make a difference in the long run.

Two students shared their perspectives on studying and their habits.

“I like to study four days throughout the week, a good 30 minutes to an hour before practice. Sometimes I get home very late after work [so] I get 20 minutes in before I fall asleep. Music helps me relax and study, play some music, be one with your thoughts, and you won’t even notice that you’re studying until it’s time to go,” said Joel Bissainthe, a second year computer information systems major.

“Throughout my matriculation at FAMU, I’ve begun to learn that studying is very important. As you get further on into your concentration, this is something you will be doing for possibly the rest of your life. It makes sense for you to want to hone-in on your skills and attributes,” said Thomas Dow II, a joint MBA/supply chain management major.

Studying should be taken seriously. Students should be adding it into their daily — if not — weekly routine. The only way to get better at something is by practicing. Practice makes perfect, and studying makes you smarte

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