
The poll showed that Trump would be effectively convicted in Manhattan

The poll showed that Trump would be effectively convicted in Manhattan
Written by informini

A criminal conviction in Manhattan would seriously damage and potentially doom Trump's presidential bid, a new poll suggests.

Politico asked Ipsos to poll Americans about Trump's criminal record and the Supreme Court, and they found a very bad news for Trump with Independents.

This is reported by Politico.

Most respondents, 44 percent, said the verdict in Manhattan would not affect their likelihood of supporting Trump for president, but that is far from the whole story.

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Among respondents who said belief would influence their decision, the numbers don't look good for Trump.

By more than 2-1, respondents said the belief made them less likely to support Trump (32 percent) versus more likely (13 percent). Notably, more than a third of independents said it would make them less likely to support Trump. Not surprisingly, the vast majority of respondents who said the conviction would bolster their support were Republicans.

A felony conviction in Manhattan would make Trump virtually unelectable

Trump failed to win back Nikki Haley voters who voted against her in the Republican presidential primaries. The former president appears to only have the support of roughly 65% ​​to 70% of Republicans, so he's teetering on the brink of being unelectable. Many of those Republicans can hold their noses and vote for Trump in November.

If Trump is convicted in Manhattan and a third of Independents vote him out, it will potentially destroy his campaign because the Republican Party will be in a situation where they will have a candidate who cannot get enough potential voters to support him. .

Donald Trump becomes almost unelectable if he is convicted of a crime.

Now it is clear that the Republican spin that criminal cases are helping Trump is a complete fantasy. Trump's criminal conviction will seriously damage his campaign.

Voters may not be locked in the polls yet, but they already know that many won't be voting for a convicted felon in November.

move or collect them and complete this investigation.

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