
Some students thankful for Fizz – The Famuan

Some students thankful for Fizz – The Famuan
Written by informini

Photo courtesy: Teddy Solomon and Ashton Cofer

Fizz, an anonymous social media platform, has been popular on the campus of Florida A&M — even though the university has banned it from the institution’s official wifi [a la TikTok].

The inception of this app dates back to July 29, 2021, when it was co-founded by Teddy Solomon and Ashton Cofer, both sophomores at Stanford University. The app serves as a platform for students to express themselves, share information, indulge in drama, and discuss personal problems.

However, with its rising popularity, questions have emerged regarding the impact of Fizz on FAMU’s social atmosphere. During the recent election season, the app became a hotbed for spreading gossip and drama, leading to what some described as “doomsdays on the hill.”

Jaylen Robinson, a third-year physical therapy student, dislikes Fizz due to its propaganda and wealth of misinformation.

“I don’t like that it’s so easy for everyone to believe anything on there without facts,” Robinson said. “Nobody likes to fact-check anymore, and I really believe that it’s an issue.”

Despite the potential negative effects, some students find enjoyment and utility in using Fizz.

Shavonne Lewis, a second-year business administration student, appreciates the platform for its ability to connect her with other students.

“The app allows me to connect with other students around campus,” Lewis said. “I’ve met some great people off there.”

However, beyond its entertainment value, Fizz has a tangible impact on campus life. The anonymity it offers can lead to the proliferation of rumors and the dissemination of potentially damaging information. Some argue that the app contributes to a toxic culture of gossip and negativity. Others, like Lewis, see it as a valuable tool for fostering connections and community.

One anonymous 18-year-old Fizz user expressed concern about the harm caused by the app’s users.

“I feel bad for those people who get talked about here,” the user said.

These sentiments reflect the broader debate surrounding Fizz and its influence on student interactions and well-being.

As discussions about Fizz’s impact intensify, there are growing calls for action. Some students believe that the app should be banned altogether, citing its potential for harm. Others argue for greater oversight and moderation to mitigate the negative effects while preserving its utility as a communication tool.

The future of Fizz at Florida A&M University remains uncertain. Will it continue to thrive as a platform for student expression and connection, or will concerns about its impact lead to its downfall? As students grapple with these questions, one thing is clear: Fizz has left an indelible mark on campus life, for better or for worse.

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