
Hunter Biden called on James Comer to be investigated for influencing Jared Kushner

Hunter Biden called on James Comer to be investigated for influencing Jared Kushner
Written by informini

Hunter Biden refused to testify at James Comer's public hearings and suggested an influence peddling investigation into Jared Kushner and the Trumps.

CNN reported that Hunter Biden declined Comer's offer to testify publicly, writing to House Oversight Committee Chairman Comer through an attorney;

Attorney Abb Lowell argues that the hearing is “not a serious oversight process. It's your attempt to revive your dying conference investigation with a circus act for the right-wing media.”

Calling the invitation a “Hail Mary pass,” Lowell wrote: “I thought even you would recognize that your baseless impeachment process is dead.”

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In his letter, Lowell also criticized Comer's decision to invite some of the president's son's discredited business associates to the same hearing. He argued that if Comer is serious about holding oversight hearings to look into alleged influence peddling, the committee should invite Jared Kushner and members of the Trump family alongside Hunter Biden.

An investigation into the Trump family for influence peddling is likely to happen after Democrats take back the House of Representatives. Comer, meanwhile, will try to resurrect his dead as a nail in the door to impeach Biden with public hearings that will feature all the same discredited names and faces that Republicans have been pushing for more than a year.

Comer has yet to find a single witness who can testify to the commission of an impeachable crime against President Biden. The House Republican game has become tiresome. Dead impeachment should be ended.

Hunter Biden and his lawyer were right.

If President Comer is serious about investigating the influence of a member of the president's family, Jared Kushner, who worked in the Trump administration, is running with $2 billion in Saudi Arabian cash and a series of unanswered questions.

Republicans would rather focus on Hunter Biden and his pictures than acknowledge the corruption that happened under Donald Trump when he was president.

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