
Biden is playing smart for Nikki Haley's supporters

Biden is playing smart for Nikki Haley's supporters
Written by informini

President Biden called on Nikki Haley's supporters to join his campaign and help save democracy from Trump.

President Biden said in a statement.

It takes a lot of courage to run for president. This is especially true in today's Republican Party, where so few dare to speak the truth about Donald Trump. Nikki Haley was ready to tell the truth about Trump, the chaos that always follows him, his inability to see right from wrong, his hiding from Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump made it clear that he does not want Nikki Haley's supporters. I want to say clearly. there is a place for them in my campaign. I know there are many things we will disagree on. But on the fundamental issues of preserving American democracy, protecting the rule of law, treating each other with decency and dignity and respect, preserving NATO, and confronting America's adversaries, I hope and believe that we can find; common ground.

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We all know that this is not an ordinary election. And the stakes couldn't be higher for America. I know that Democrats, Republicans, and Independents disagree on many issues and have strong beliefs. That's a good thing. That's what America is all about. But I also know this. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents all share a love of America.

President Biden made a common sense argument on many issues. A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Putin. Anyone who votes for Trump is voting for the end of democracy in the United States, and people who believe in the rule of law cannot support Trump.

Some Haley voters will likely hold their noses and vote for Trump, but in what could be a very close election, Biden won't need to convince many of Haley's supporters to join him to effectively undermine Trump's chances of winning the presidency. .

The fact that Haley did not endorse Trump sent an unspoken message to her supporters that they don't have to wait in line.

Biden is trying to isolate Trump and MAGA. That's a smart move because it's not enough to give Trump a win, while just a small percentage of Haley's supporters could topple Biden.

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