
Cognitively Declining Trump Needs Broadcaster for 14th Amendment Remarks

Cognitively Declining Trump Needs Broadcaster for 14th Amendment Remarks
Written by informini

Even chained to his teleporter, Donald Trump couldn't hold it together, reacting to the Supreme Court's 14th Amendment ruling.

After talking up and misrepresenting the Supreme Court ruling, Trump launched into outlandish claims that he needed presidential immunity to kill terrorists.

Trump also falsely claimed that he killed the two biggest terrorists in history.


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It was clear that Trump was reading this heavily scripted speech from the TV host, but that didn't stop him from insisting that all the harassment against him was being carried out by a group of Trump haters, with Biden as the author.


The sad thing is that his campaign tried to make this broadcast speech unscripted, but they couldn't because Trump had his reading voice and demeanor on. When Trump is chained to his transmitter, his arms are usually stiff at his sides and his voice is monotone, as if he's reading a script, which he has been doing.

It was reported Monday morning that the Trump campaign knows he is in cognitive decline, and they are trying to hide that decline from the American people.

Trump has mostly made campaign speeches and minimally responded to the Supreme Court case.

This is not the Donald Trump of eight years ago. The former president is fading fast, and his campaign may not have enough tricks left to hide it.

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